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Rhys Williams



  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Sociology
  • Place and Environment

Research Interests

  • Professor Williams’ current research examines these themes in two different projects. One is a study of the involvement of religious groups in progressive political causes – with two collaborators he recently published Religion and Progressive Activism (New York University Press, 2017). The second is an examination of the public attitudes and political language about immigration and immigrants in contemporary American politics, and how they use images of national identity.

Raymond Dye

Associate Professor


  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Psychology

Research Interests

  • My research is predominately in the area of human auditory information processing, with an emphasis on binaural hearing and sound localization. At the center of my research program is the question of how the auditory system, when operating in complex, multisource acoustic environments, "parses" the frequency components that are present to form auditory objects
  • how it assigns frequency components to their particular sound sources. My research is particularly aimed at examining the role that spatial hearing plays in segregating concurrent acoustic stimuli, although I have also examined the manner in which binaural cues interact with other variables that promote segregation of sources.  My goal is to develop a set of objective psychophysical procedures that allows one to characterize the tendency of listeners to analytically/synthetically process information across different stimulus dimensions. I have recently become interested in the effects of musical training on the ability to selectively attend to one sound and ignore other concurrent sounds.