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Sustainability of transport biofuels from a legal perspective
International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy, vol. 1, issue 4, 2013, pp. 88-93 (2013)
  • Evgenia Pavlovskaia

The article investigates the notion of transport biofuels, their possible advantages and disadvantages in comparison to traditional fossil fuels, and sustainability requirements that need be stated to their quality and production methods from a legal perspective. The research results indicate that the understanding of what makes the quality and production of transport biofuels sustainable is still unclear. Sustainability parameters for biofuels will differ depending on the types and purposes of biofuel production. There is no clearly agreed definition on what biofuels, and particularly sustainable biofuels are. The task of law in this situation can be to contribute to the sustainable production of biofuels through the use of the traditional and newly emerging legal approaches and instruments, such as e.g. sustainability criteria for biofuels in Directive 2009/28/EC.

  • Transport Biofuels,
  • Sustainable Biofuels,
  • Use of Genetically Modified Organisms,
  • EU Biofuel Policy
Publication Date
Fall 2013
Publisher Statement
Pavlovskaia, E. (2013), Sustainability of transport biofuels from a legal perspective, in International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy, vol. 1, issue 4, 2013, pp. 88-93, doi: 10.11648/j.ijepp.20130104.17; can be found at
Citation Information
The central issues of environmental sustainability for biofuels and their production methods, which have been highlighted and discussed in the latest investigations, are cautious and efficient use of land and water resources, preservation of biodiversity and existing eco-systems, reduction of GHG emissions through the whole production chain and avoiding competition with the market of food supply. The issue of genetically modified organisms cultivated for biofuel production should possibly be addressed as a separate and very serious issue. The use of genetically modified organisms can cause irreversible environmental damage. Therefore, additional cautions should be taken here. The precautionary principle established in environmental law suggests that this production area should be thoroughly researched first, until a clearer evidence-based understanding of genetically modified organisms and their consequences for the environment is gained. This production area should probably be regulated through the means of law, in order to avoid unnecessary risks.