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About Evelyn Brody

Professor Brody received her J.D. (magna cum laude) in 1981 from Georgetown University Law Center, where she was case and notes editor of The Tax Lawyer, the law journal of the ABA Tax Section. She earned her B.A. in comparative literature from Yale University. Professor Brody joined IIT Chicago-Kent's faculty in 1992. From 1988 to 1992, she was an attorney/adviser in the Office of Tax Policy, U.S. Treasury Department. Previously she practiced with Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C., and with Michael, Best & Friedrich in Madison, Wisconsin. Professor Brody teaches personal income tax, taxation of business enterprises, taxation of investments, and nonprofit law.
Professor Brody has published and spoken widely on a variety of legal, economic, and social issues affecting individuals, businesses, and nonprofit organizations. For excellence in legal scholarship, she was named a Norma and Edna Freehling Scholar for 2002-04. In 1994, she taught a course on the tax treatment of financial products for the Taiwan Ministry of Finance, and in 1992 she served on the Clinton/Gore Transition Team (Treasury/Tax Policy Cluster). She has visited at Penn (Spring 1998), Duke (Fall 2001), and NYU (Spring 2002) law schools.
Professor Brody is an affiliated scholar with the Urban Institute's Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy. She has served as secretary of the ABA Section on Taxation and as a board member of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action and of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. Professor Brody served as the reporter of the American Law Institute's Project on Principles of the Law of Nonprofit Organizations through 2013, and continues to serve the project as consultant.


Present Faculty Member, Chicago-Kent College of Law



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