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National Assessment Program : Civics and Citizenship 2013 Year 6 and Year 10 : Technical Report
Civics and Citizenship Assessment
  • Kate O'Malley, ACER
  • Eveline Gebhardt, ACER
  • Renee Chow, ACER
  • Martin Murphy, ACER
  • Wolfram Schulz, ACER
  • Judy Nixon, ACER
  • Julian Fraillon, ACER
Publication Date

© Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority


In 1999, the State, Territory and Commonwealth Ministers of Education, meeting as the tenth Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA), agreed to the National Goals for Schooling in the Twenty-first Century. Subsequently, MCEETYA agreed to report on progress toward the achievement of the National Goals on a nationally-comparable basis, via the National Assessment Program (NAP). As part of NAP, a three-yearly cycle of sample assessments in primary science, civics and citizenship and ICT was established. The three previous cycles of NAP – CC were conducted in 2004, 2007 and 2010. As a result of a 2010 Australian federal government initiative and under the direction of SCSEEC, ACARA was tasked with developing and trialling online (Internet-based) delivery of the national sample assessments in science literacy, ICT literacy and civics and citizenship. The student test and student questionnaire developed for the 2013 NAP – CC were consequently delivered to students online. This is in contrast to the previous three cycles of NAP – CC which were all completed on paper. This report describes the procedures and processes involved in the conduct of the National Assessment Program – Civics and Citizenship (NAP – CC) 2013, the fourth cycle of NAP – CC.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Place of Publication
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)
Citation Information
O'Malley, Kate; Gebhardt, Eveline; Chow, Renee; Murphy, Martin; Schulz, Wolfram; Nixon, Judy; and Fraillon, Julian (2014) "National Assessment Program : Civics and Citizenship 2013 Year 6 and Year 10 : Technical Report". Sydney: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority