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About Evan Reynolds

Dr. Reynolds' current appointment is as an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Campbell University. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill under the direction of Dr. Eric Brustad. He received his undergraduate degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics from the University of Virginia, while performing undergraduate research in the lab of Dr. James Demas. Dr. Reynolds' research interests lie in the area of biochemistry and protein engineering to expand the diversity of chemical functionality available to proteins. In addition to research, he has a strong commitment to teaching and mentoring the next generation of scientists.


Present Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Campbell University Department of Chemistry and Physics


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Professional Service and Affiliations

2015 - Present Member and Assistant Chapter Advisor (2015-2017), Alpha Chi Sigma Professional Chemistry Fraternity
2015 - Present Member, Co-President UNC Chapter (2016-17), Vice-President UNC Chapter (2015), Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science
2012 - Present Member, Pi Mu Epsilon National Mathematics Honor Society
2012 - Present Member, Raven Society Academic Honor Society
2010 - Present Member, American Chemical Society
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Honors and Awards

  • Carol and Edward Smithwick Dissertation Completion Fellowship (UNC), 2016-2017
  • Student Undergraduate Teaching Award (UNC), 2016
  • Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Travel Fellowship, 2016
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, 2013-2016
  • Francis P. Venable Fellowship (UNC), 2012
  • American Chemical Society Award for Inorganic Chemistry (UVA), 2012
  • Kenneth C. Bass Chemistry Summer Research Scholarship (UVA), 2010, 2011
  • American Chemical Society Scholar, 2008-2012


  • Biol 280, Essentials of Microbiology and Biochemistry
  • Chem 441, Special Topics in Biochemistry
  • Chem 228L, Organic Chemistry II Lab
  • Chem 228, Organic Chemistry II
  • Chem 227L, Organic Chemistry I Lab
  • Chem 113L, General Chemistry II Lab
  • Chem 113, General Chemistry II
  • Chem 111L, General Chemistry I Lab
  • Chem 111, General Chemistry I


2017 Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ‐ Chemistry
2012 B.S. and B.A., University of Virginia ‐ Chemistry and Mathematics

Presentations (10)

Publications (4)