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Use of Precise Spatial Data for Describing Spatial Patterns and Plant Interactions in a Diverse Great Basin Schurb Community
Plant Ecology (2011)
  • Eugene W. Schupp, Utah State University
Community-structuring processes continue to be of great interest to plant ecologists, and plant spatial patterns have been linked to processes including disturbance, dispersal, environmental heterogeneity, and plant interactions. Under the assumption that the analysis of the spatial structure of plant communities can help to elucidate the type and importance of the predominant community-structuring processes, many studies have analyzed point pattern data on various plant species. A variety of methods have been devised to acquire point pattern data for individual plants, however, the classic tradeoff between the speed of acquisition and the precision of spatial data has meant that large and precise datasets on plant locations are difficult to obtain...
  • Precise,
  • Spatial Data,
  • Patterns,
  • Interactions,
  • Great Basin,
  • Schrub,
  • Community
Publication Date
Citation Information
Rayburn, A.P., K.J. Schiffers, E.W. Schupp. 2011. Use of precise spatial data for describing spatial patterns and plant interactions in a diverse Great Basin Shrub community. Plant Ecology 212: 585-594.