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Comparison of Emergence Speed and Sterility in Two Sterile Annual Hybrid Cereal Grasses Developed for Use in Restoration
Restoration Ecology (2009)
  • Eugene W. Schupp, Utah State University
Two varieties of sterile annual hybrid (SAH) cereal grasses (Triticum aestivum×Elytrigia elongata and Triticum sp. ×Secale sp.) have been developed as tools for restoration to circumvent problems associated with the use of exotic perennial grasses in wildlands. Recent research has shown that both varieties of SAH grasses performed better than native species when sown into Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)-dominated rangelands. The primary goal of this study was to see whether early emergence was a potential mechanism contributing to the success of SAH grasses. Second, we investigated whether the SAH grasses were indeed sterile. Seeds of both SAH varieties were germinated in growth chambers along with B. tectorum and four perennial grasses. Seeds were exposed to three moisture levels and four temperature regimes...
  • Comparison,
  • Emergence,
  • Speed,
  • Sterility,
  • Hybrid,
  • Cereal Grasses,
  • Restoration
Publication Date
Citation Information
Morris, C. and E.W. Schupp. 2009. Comparison of emergence speed and sterility in two sterile annual hybrid cereal grasses developed for use in restoration. Restoration Ecology 17: 678‐685.