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About E. Terrence Jones

He is the author of four books (The Metropolitan Chase:  Politics and Policies in Urban America, St. Louis Metromorphosis: Past Trends and Future Directions, Fragmented by Design: Why St. Louis Has So Many Governments, and Conducting Political Research) as well as dozens of scholarly articles, book chapters, and technical reports. He has been a consultant to more than seventy governmental and non-profit organizations and has held office in many professional and community organizations. His current research focuses on metropolitan governance, urban public policy, state government, and public opinion.


Present Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri-St. Louis Department of Political Science

Curriculum Vitae



2014 - 2014 Special School District: Parent, Teacher, Administrator Assessment
Special School District Public Review Committee
Role: Principle Investigator
2013 - 2013 Early Childhood Education in St. Louis
Regional Early Education Council
Role: Principle Investigator
2013 - 2013 St. Louis Graduates Case Study
Citi Foundation
Role: Principal investigator
2012 - 2012 St. Louis County Children's Services Fund Needs Assessment
St. Louis County Children's Services Fund
Role: Co-principal Investigator
2012 - 2012 St. Louis County Strategic Plan Citizen Survey
St. Louis County Department of Planning
Role: Principle Investigator
2012 - 2012 St. Louis Graduates Update Study
St. Louis Graduates
Role: Principle Investigator
2011 - 2011 The Turner Case and Student Transfers
Clayton School District
Role: Principle Investigator
2010 - 2010 Parent and Teacher Opinions Regarding the St. Louis Public Schools
Greater St. Louis Community Foundation
Role: Principle Investigator
2010 - 2010 Special School District: Parent and Public Assessment
Special School District Public Review Committee
Role: Principle Investigator
2009 - 2009 College Access Pipeline Study
College Access Pipeline Project
Role: Principle Investigator
2008 - 2008 St. Louis County Park Passive Usage Study
St. Louis Parks Department
Role: Principal investigator
2007 - 2007 St. Louis County Strategic Plan Public Opinion
St. Louis County Department of Planning
Role: Principle Investigator
2006 - 2006 Affton Community Partnership
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Role: Principle Investigator
2006 - 2006 Base Realignment and Closing in St. Louis: The Work Force Survey
U.S. Department of Labor and the St. Louis Economic Council
Role: Principal investigator
2006 - 2006 Public Opinion about St. Louis Public Schools
Greater St. Louis Community Foundation
Role: Principle Investigator
2006 - 2006 Special School District: Parent and Public Assessment
Special School District Public Review Committee
Role: Principal investigator
2004 - 2004 Outside Money in the 2004 Elections
Pew Charitable Trust
Role: Secondary Investigator
2003 - 2003 Jefferson County Planning Study
US Department of Education
Role: Secondary Investigator
2002 - 2002 City of St. Louis Citizens Survey
Regional Business Council
Role: Principal investigator
2002 - 2002 Outside Money in the 2002 Elections
Pew Charitable Trusts
Role: Secondary Investigator
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2009 - 2010 Vice Chair, Metropolitan Sewer District Plan Comission
2006 - 2007 Co-chair, City of University Second Century Commission
1982 - 1983 President, North Area Community Forum
1981 - 1982 Fellow in Academic Administration, American Council on Education
1981 - 1982 President, Missouri Political Science Association
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Honors and Awards

  • C. Brice Ratchfield Award, University of Missouri, 2007
  • Volunteer of the Year, Citizens for Missouri's Children, 2006
  • Good Guys Award (Martin Abzug Award for Best Political Spouse), National Women's Political Caucus, 1992
  • Award for Teaching Excellence, AMOCO, 1975


1967 PhD, Georgetown University ‐ Political Science
1963 BS, St. Louis University ‐ Economics