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Contribution to Book
Beyond Search: A Technology Probe Investigation
Library and Information Science: Web Search Engine Research
  • Erin M Bryant, Trinity University
  • R. Harper
  • P. Gossett
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Publication Date

Purpose — We assert that researchers developing new web interaction tools should consider an array of user motives beyond query-based information retrieval. This chapter reports on two probes used to investigate user activities that go beyond search as traditionally conceived.

Design/methodology — This chapter reviews research on user experiences with search engines and general web use. It then describes the design and case study of cards and pebbles, two search engine-based probes developed to help elicit new concepts for web-based experiences.

Findings — Participants reflect on their experiences with the probes and offer ideas regarding how to incrementally shift the traditional search paradigm and conceive of the web in new ways.

Implications/value — This investigation serves as a starting point by offering criteria that should be considered when designing new ‘beyond search’ tools.

Dirk Lewandowski
Citation Information
Bryant, E. M., Harper, R., & Gassett, P. (2012). Beyond search: A technology probe investigation. In D. Lewandowski (Vol. Ed.), Library and information science: Vol. 4. Web search engine research (pp. 227-250). Emerald.