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Course Syllabus
Anthropology 220: Archaeological Field Methods
ANT 220 (2017)
  • Erin P. Riggs
Students who take this course will:
  • develop a basic understanding of the methods archaeologists use to find, sample, and collect data pertaining to materials and contexts
  • gain first hand experience in excavating, shovel testing, handling archaeological materials, and completing paperwork in the field
  • build skills in working with a team, following instructions, undertaking physical work, and executing tasks with care and precision
  • understand the basic time periods used to discuss the past in Illinois and how archaeologists organize material types into groups pertaining to each period
  • workshop skills in preparing one type of archaeological data for presentation (each student will complete a project that hones their skills in working with a particular data type of their choosing)
Publication Date
Summer 2017
Citation Information
Erin P. Riggs. "Anthropology 220: Archaeological Field Methods" ANT 220 (2017)
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