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Digital Repositories as a Way to Manage Data and Reputation Beyond Publications
University Libraries Presentations Series
  • Thea P Atwood, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Erin Jerome, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Dan Valen, Figshare
Publication Date

This talk was presented at the NORDP Northeast Winter Meeting at Brandeis University on January 31, 2019.


Institutional Repositories (IRs) can be (and are) implemented at Universities and Colleges to capture organization output and non-traditional research objects and artifacts. Repositories can help improve workflow and reporting mechanisms: e.g., it’s a known place to deposit data or papers, and repository managers (typically in the Library) get usage statistics, and we can tell some interesting stories about use. IRs can:

  • help improve the attention and impact of university-affiliated published research
  • showcase work (e.g, top 10 downloads; spotlight paper; recent additions; and more)
  • help with management of work created on a campus – i.e., ensure research generated on campus is managed by the campus
  • ensure information is preserved and made available for long term access.

Putting data or images in a repository can also help authors keep control of their work – many repositories offer extremely permissive licenses that allow authors to maintain ownership of their work. e.g., you are not handing over copyright of these materials to publishers (and thus – very often -- giving them exclusive control of that content).

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Citation Information
Thea P Atwood, Erin Jerome and Dan Valen. "Digital Repositories as a Way to Manage Data and Reputation Beyond Publications" (2019)
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