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Reassessing the "Tragedy of the Commons": A guide for sustainable business and collective action
  • Erik Edward Nordman
Webinar for the West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum
Join Michigan Sustainable Business Forum & Grand Valley State University Professor of Natural Resource Management Erik Nordman for a one-hour presentation and discussion about how shared collective action – not necessarily government regulation – is needed to solve many of today’s environmental issues.
Nordman’s 2021 book, The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom: Essential Lessons for Collective Action, chronicles the life and accomplishments of Ostrom, an economist who was once denied access to doctoral programs because of her gender. In 2009 she became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Economics for research that showed people can and do act in collective interest when faced with the prospect of depletion of common resources.
  • Commons,
  • sustainable business,
  • Ostrom,
  • environment,
  • regulations,
  • markets,
  • economics
Publication Date
March 24, 2022
Citation Information
Erik Edward Nordman. "Reassessing the "Tragedy of the Commons": A guide for sustainable business and collective action" (2022)
Available at: