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Canal by Canal
  • Jason Reblando
  • Erik Edward Nordman
In Canal by Canal, photographer Jason Reblando engages the natural and built environments as well as the people that comprise Valencia’s irrigation community in support of research by Dr. Erik Nordman, natural resources management professor at Grand Valley State University. Nordman and Reblando traveled to Valencia to research how today’s farmers are carrying on a one-thousand-year tradition of water resource governance, for Nordman’s book, The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom (Island Press, 2021). The resulting images are a meditation on how humans continue to shape the natural landscape, as well as a record of a communal agricultural practice that has survived wars, dictatorships, and political winds of change.
  • Elinor Ostrom,
  • photography,
  • irrigation,
  • commons,
  • Valencia,
  • Spain
Publication Date
July 1, 2021
Citation Information
Jason Reblando and Erik Edward Nordman. "Canal by Canal" (2021)
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