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Sustaining the Commons: LA Groundwater
Sustaining the Commons (2020)
  • Erik Edward Nordman
Describes how the communities of Los Angeles' West Basin worked together to solve a collective action problem. The communities shared a groundwater resource for drinking and industrial uses. But the communities found themselves in a pumping race that was overusing the groundwater. The communities found a way to work together and collaborate rather than compete. Elinor Ostrom studied this as a graduate student and later in her book, Governing the Commons.
15 minutes
  • Los Angeles,
  • Elinor Ostrom,
  • groundwater,
  • Tragedy of the Commons,
  • common-pool resource
Publication Date
March 20, 2020
Citation Information
Erik Edward Nordman. "Sustaining the Commons: LA Groundwater" Sustaining the Commons (2020)
Available at:
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