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Oregon Guide to Health Care Partnerships: For Community-based Organizations and Advocates Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence in Health Care Settings
School of Social Work Faculty Publications and Presentations
  • Sarah H. Keefe, Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
  • Christine Heyen, Oregon Department of Justice
  • Anna Rockhill, Portland State University
  • Ericka Kimball, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence,
  • Health promotion,
  • Public health administration -- Oregon,
  • Health services administration -- Oregon,
  • Intimate partner violence,
  • Family violence

Safer Futures is a practice and partnership model that benefits survivors of intimate partner violence. This model demonstrates how community-based, non-clinical domestic and sexual violence (D/SV) intervention advocates can better serve survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) in partnership with health care providers. Such partnerships strengthen services for survivors of IPV in various health care settings including, but not limited to, public health departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers, primary care clinics, and hospitals.

Partnerships between advocates and health care providers improve IPV survivors’ access to health care, advocacy services, resources and support. The model works best when a health care provider refers patients in need of IPV-specific support and services to an advocate, who may provide services on-site in the clinic setting and/or off-site in community-based settings. Studies show that partnerships between health care providers and advocates increase survivors’ access to health care information, including information about healthy relationships that can prevent violence from occurring. Most significantly, such partnerships help survivors access care that improves their overall safety and well-being.

The aim of the Oregon Guide to Health Care Partnerships is to support D/SV organizations in replicating the Safer Futures model with health care systems. The Safer Futures model evolved to improve services for survivors of IPV while also helping health care systems improve health outcomes for survivors, improve quality of patient care, and reduce overall health system costs through partnership with community-based advocates. This Guide provides practical recommendations, supportive literature, and program experiences to help D/SV organizations successfully place, support, evaluate, and finance advocates in health care settings.


Report prepared for Oregon Department of Justice, Salem, OR. Available at and

Persistent Identifier
Citation Information
Keefe S, Heyen C, Rockhill A, Kimball E (2017). Oregon Guide to Health Care Partnerships: For community-based organizations and advocates supporting survivors of domestic violence in health care settings. Report prepared for Oregon Department of Justice, Salem, OR. Available at and