Takagi’s Function: Past and Present Results
Mathematics Colloquium Series
Even though Takagi’s Function is nowhere differentiable, one can ask whether it has an improper infinite derivative at any point. In this presentation, Samansky will present the answer to this question, which was recently proved by Pieter C. Allaart and Kiko Kawamura, but has been worked on by several mathematicians over the past 80 years.
Presenter Bio
Eric Samansky has a Ph.D. and is an Assistant Professor at Nova Southeastern University
Date of Event
December 1, 2010 12 - 1:00 PM
Mailman-Hollywood Building, Room 311, 3301 College Ave., Fort Lauderdale (main campus)
NSU News Release Link
Citation Information
Eric Samansky. "Takagi’s Function: Past and Present Results" (2010) Available at: