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Contribution to Book
Cooking the Books: Jewish Cuisine and the Commodification of Difference
Communication, Media, and Arts Faculty Book and Book Chapters
  • Eric Mason, Nova Southeastern University
Book Title
Edible Ideologies Representing Food and Meaning
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Kathleen LeBesco and Peter Naccarato
  • Food,
  • meaning,
  • cuisine,
  • Jewish

Edible Ideologies argues that representations of food—in literature and popular fiction, cookbooks and travel guides, war propaganda, women’s magazines, television and print advertisements—are not just about nourishment or pleasure. Contributors explore how these various modes of representation, reflecting prevailing attitudes and assumptions about food and food practices, function instead to circulate and transgress dominant cultural ideologies. Addressing questions concerning whose interests are served by a particular food practice or habit and what political ends are fulfilled by the historical changes that lead from one practice to another in Western culture, the essays offer a rich historical narrative that moves from the construction of the nineteenth-century English gentleman to the creation of two of today’s iconic figures in food culture, Julia Child and Martha Stewart. Along the way, readers will encounter World War I propaganda, holocaust and Sephardic cookbooks, the Rosenbergs, German tour guides, fast food advertising, food packaging, and chocolate, and will find food for thought on the meanings of everything from camembert to Velveeta, from salads to burgers, and from tikka masala to Campbell’s soup.

State University of New York Press
Citation Information
Eric Mason. "Cooking the Books: Jewish Cuisine and the Commodification of Difference" New York City(2008) p. 105 - 126
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