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Mobilizing College Students in Health Professional Studies to Provide Science Outreach Activities to the Community
Biology Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, Lectures
  • Valentina Ramirez, Nova Southeastern University
  • Ahjay Bhatia, Nova Southeastern University
  • Suhani Patel, Nova Southeastern University
  • Michele Parsons, Nova Blanche Forman Elementary
  • Emily Schmitt Lavin, Nova Southeastern University
Event Name/Location
Human Anatomy and Physiology Society Southern Regional Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 22, 2016
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

The focus of the Science Alive program is to incorporate Pre-Health students in after-school science outreach, exposing children to the science field and inspiring them to pursue a college education. This was achieved by creating a curriculum in which students from kindergarten through fifth grade were exposed to the fields of: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Robotics, Circuitry, Navigation, Energy, and Crime Scene Investigation (CSI). The children's performance in science subjects not only improved (through greater comprehension and knowledge retention), but also advanced the college student volunteers’ leadership and social experiences; acquiring skills that can be applied throughout their professional development.

Citation Information
Valentina Ramirez, Ahjay Bhatia, Suhani Patel, Michele Parsons, et al.. "Mobilizing College Students in Health Professional Studies to Provide Science Outreach Activities to the Community" (2016)
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