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Faster Digital Output: Using Student Workers to Create Metadata for a Grant Funded Project
Provenance, Journal of the Society of Georgia Archivists
  • Emily Gainer, University of Akron
  • Michelle Mascaro, University of Akron
Publication Date

Archives and special collections experience pressure to digitize and make more of their holdings available online. Creating online digital collections is time consuming. Not only do the individual analog items need to be scanned, but descriptive metadata must be created for web searches and for historical context. According to the 2004 Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) survey, archives cite lack of staff time as one of the top two hindrances for undertaking digitization projects.1 Often, archives and special collections cannot hire additional professional staff to carry out digital projects. Keeping up with traditional processing and handling reference requests consume regular staff time.

Citation Information
Emily Gainer and Michelle Mascaro. "Faster Digital Output: Using Student Workers to Create Metadata for a Grant Funded Project" (2012)
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