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Scholarship as an Open Conversation: Using Open Peer Review in Library Instruction
In the Library with the Lead Pipe
  • Emily Ford, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Open access publishing,
  • Open access to research,
  • Communication in learning and scholarship -- Technological innovations,
  • Peer review

This article explores the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy’s frame, Scholarship as a Conversation. This frame asserts that information literate students have the disposition, skills, and knowledge to recognize and participate in disciplinary scholarly conversations. By investigating the peer-review process as part of scholarly conversations, this article provides a brief literature review on peer review in information literacy instruction, and argues that by using open peer review (OPR) models for teaching, library workers can allow students to gain a deeper understanding of scholarly conversations. OPR affords students the ability to begin dismantling the systemic oppression that blinded peer review and the traditional scholarly publishing system reinforce. Finally, the article offers an example classroom activity using OPR to help students enter scholarly conversations, and recognize power and oppression in scholarly publishing.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Originally published online in: In the Library with the Lead Pipe and can be found online at:

Persistent Identifier
Citation Information
Ford, E. (2018) Scholarship as an Open Conversation: Using open peer review in library instruction. In the Library with the Lead Pipe. April 4.