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Assessing scholarly communication programs
CSU Digital Repositories Meeting
  • Emily K. Chan, San Jose State University
  • Daina Dickman, California State University, Sacramento
  • Nicole Lawson, California State University, Sacramento
  • Suzanna Conrad, Towson University
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Do you have issues quantifying the success of your scholarly communication programs? Many CSUs not only struggle with how to properly fund and staff scholarly communication programs, but also how to show their value. Sacramento State and San Jose State received an IMLS National Forum grant in 2019 to determine how similar public institutions were assessing their scholarly communication programs. In our multi-phased grant project, we used the University of Central Florida’s Research Lifecycle ( ) as a framing document for all the multi-faceted services that scholarly communication encompasses. Within this presentation, we will share an assessment rubric created to measure impact of services to preserve and disseminate research, including repository services. We hope to elicit feedback from the group and gauge interest in implementing similar rubrics at your campus.


A video recording of this presentation can be found at this link.

Citation Information
Emily K. Chan, Daina Dickman, Nicole Lawson and Suzanna Conrad. "Assessing scholarly communication programs" CSU Digital Repositories Meeting (2021)
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