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Effectiveness of Library Staff Training on Use of Gimlet in Reference Statistics Recording
Northern California and Nevada Medical Library Group/Medical Library Group Southern California Association Joint Meeting (2016)
  • Emily K Chan, San Jose State University
  • Jennifer E. Dinalo, University of Southern California
This study focuses on library employees’ reference question coding accuracy. Employees were asked to code questions using the Warner Scale both before and after a library-wide training session on reference question coding. Initial results indicate that the training session had little impact on overall accuracy, but improvements were seen in specific employee demographic groups and for coding between specific question levels. Future efforts will focus on developing a more effective training model for all library employees.
Publication Date
Stanford, CA
Citation Information
Chan, E. K., & Dinalo, J. E. (2016, January). Effectiveness of library staff training on use of Gimlet in reference statistics recording. Poster at the 2016 Northern California and Nevada Medical Library Group/Medical Library Group Southern California Association Joint Meeting, Stanford, CA.