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The role of a conserved membrane proximal cysteine in altering αPS2CβPS integrin diffusion
Physical Biology
  • Aleem Syed, Iowa State University
  • Neha Arora, Iowa State University
  • Thomas A. Bunch, University of Arizona
  • Emily A. Smith, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
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Cysteine residues (Cys) in the membrane proximal region are common post-translational modification (PTM) sites in transmembrane proteins. Herein, the effects of a highly conserved membrane proximal α-subunit Cys1368 on the diffusion properties of αPS2CβPS integrins are reported. Sequence alignment shows that this cysteine is palmitoylated in human α3 and α6 integrin subunits. Replacing Cys1368 in wild-type integrins with valine (Val1368) putatively blocks a PTM site and alters integrins' ligand binding and diffusion characteristics. Both fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and single particle tracking (SPT) diffusion measurements show Val1368 integrins are more mobile compared to wild-type integrins. Approximately 33% and 8% more Val1368 integrins are mobile as measured by FRAP and SPT, respectively. The mobile Val1368 integrins also exhibit less time-dependent diffusion, as measured by FRAP. Tandem mass spectrometry data suggest that Cys1368 contains a redox or palmitoylation PTM in αPS2CβPS integrins. This membrane proximal Cys may play an important role in the diffusion of other alpha subunits that contain this conserved residue.


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Citation Information
Aleem Syed, Neha Arora, Thomas A. Bunch and Emily A. Smith. "The role of a conserved membrane proximal cysteine in altering αPS2CβPS integrin diffusion" Physical Biology Vol. 13 Iss. 6 (2016) p. 066005
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