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Quantum Key Distribution by Using Public Key Algorithm (RSA)
Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH), 2013 Third International Conference on (2013)
  • Ammar Odeh
  • Khaled Elleithy
  • Muneer Alshowkan
  • Eman Abdelfattah, Sacred Heart University
Classical cryptography is based on the computational difficulty to compute the secret key using the current computing systems. Depending only on the difficulty of computational complexity does not provide enough security because finding a fast method to calculate the secret key will compromise the security of the systems. Quantum computing uses the law of physics for communication allowing new concepts to be applied in computing specially in cryptography and key distribution by applying quantum theorems and principles. In this paper, we are introducing a new model for quantum key distribution between three parties or more where there is a trusted center providing the clients the necessary secret information to securely communicate with each other.
  • Authentication,
  • Cryptography,
  • Protocols,
  • Quantum computing,
  • Quantum entanglement,
  • Receivers
Publication Date
August, 2013
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Citation Information
Odeh, A., Elleithy, K., Alshowkan, M., & Abdelfattah, E. (2013). Quantum key distribution by using public key algorithm(RSA). Third International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2013), 83-86. doi:10.1109/intech.2013.6653697