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Developing Online Information Literacy Instruction for the Undergraduate Art Student: A Collaborative Approach in the Context of the Framework for Information Literacy
Art Documentation (2016)
  • Elsa Loftis, Portland State University
  • Jennifer Martinez Wormser, Laguna College of Art and Design
Perceiving a lack of integrated information literacy curriculum at our colleges, the library directors of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD) consortium resolved to create a series of online tutorials aimed at undergraduates in the fields of art and design. The collaborative project needed a partner to produce the tutorials and offer the finished project in an environment accessible to students. When approached about this partnership, Lynda .com, one of the Internet’s leading online learning companies, agreed to work with the AICAD libraries to create an online information literacy course. The course launched in July 2015, and the authors conducted an assessment of the course quality and use nearly one year later by surveying librarians and faculty. This article is a study of how that course was conceived and how it evolved from a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) into its current online tutorial version on
  • Information Literacy,
  • Art Student,
  • Online Learning
Publication Date
Fall September 1, 2016
Publisher Statement
Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America is a peer-reviewed journal presenting issues of concern to librarians working within art history, art criticism, the history of architecture, archaeology, and similar areas. The journal has established itself as a vital publication for art information professionals, acting as a forum for issues relating to both the documentation of art, and the practice and theory of art librarianship and visual resources curatorship.
Art Documentation will publish articles pertinent to issues surrounding the documentation of art and the use of visual resources in academic, special libraries and museum settings. It is a key resource for professionals entering the field as well as those more seasoned professionals.
Citation Information
Elsa Loftis and Jennifer Martinez Wormser, "Developing Online Information Literacy Instruction for the Undergraduate Art Student: A Collaborative Approach in the Context of the Framework for Information Literacy," Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 35, no. 2 (Fall 2016): 241-261.