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About Ellyn Enderlin

Dr. Ellyn Enderlin started at Boise State University in 2019 and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geosciences. She received a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences and a M.S. in Geological Sciences both from The Ohio State University. Her research explores controls on the sensitivity of glaciers to climate change with the aim of making accurate predictions of glacier change in the coming decades so that society is able to prepare for, and hopefully mitigate/minimize the impacts of glacier loss on the Earth system. Dr. Enderlin’s research projects focus on combining remotely-sensed and in situ observations and numerical ice flow modeling to investigate controls on the flow of glaciers that terminate in the oceans (i.e. marine-terminating glaciers). Her primary research interest is in ice-ocean interactions and how changes in the processes occurring at glacier margins influence the rate of glacier mass loss.


January 2019 - Present Professor, Boise State University Department of Geosciences
2014 - 2019 Research Assistant Professor, University of Maine
Faculty Member, Boise State University



2019 - 2021 Quantification and Analysis of Greenland Glacier and Ice Cap Discharge Using Automated Landsat Terminus Change Time Series and NASA Data Products
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - 80NSSC19K0976
Role: Principal Investigator
2014 - 2017 Intra-Annual Force Balance Analysis of Tidewater Glaciers
NASA ROSES Cryospheric Science
Role: Primary Investigator
Colleague(s): Shad O’Neel
2014 - 2017 Quantifying Greenland Iceberg Melt Rates using Remotely-sensed Data
National Science Foundation
NSF Arctic Research Opportunities
Role: Primary Investigator
2010 - 2013 Observations and Modeling of Greenland Outlet Glacier Dynamics
NASA Earth and Space Sciences Fellowship
Role: PI
Colleague(s): Ian Howat
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Member, American Geophysical Union
Present Member, Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
Present Member, International Glaciological Society
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August 2013 Ph.D. - Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University
March 2010 M.S. - Geological Sciences, The Ohio State University
January 2008 B.S. - Environmental Science, Lehigh University

Articles (28)

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Invited Talks (4)

Student Mentored Works (3)