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Estimation of the theoretical daily survival rate in some malaria vectors in a lowland region of Ethiopia
Parassitologica (1970)
  • E. S. Krafsur, U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit
Efforts were made to estimate the theoretical daily survival rate in the wet and dry seasons among indoor-resting populations of Anopheles gambiae and A. funestus. Estimations were made from the proportions parous, and the ratio of immediate to delayed sporozoite rates. In the dry season, estimates of survival obtained from the proportions parous of stage III ovaries were lower than if all ovarian stages were sampled. This suggested the possibility of a deficiency of indoor-resting pre-gravid specimens and perhaps all nullipars. The ratio of immediate to delayed sporozoite rates in A. funestus indicated that dry season survival was indeed lower than that estimated by the proportions parous. However, both techniques gave similar values during the wet season. Dry season survival was re-estimated by relating the ratio of seasonal sporozoite rates to the known wet season expectation of infective life and solving for the dry season expectation of infective life. The results showed close agreement with values obtained by the ratio of immediate to delayed sporozoite rates. The values of p were '89 during the wet season and .79 for the dry season.
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Works produced by employees of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties are not copyrighted within the U.S. The content of this document is not copyrighted.
Citation Information
E. S. Krafsur. "Estimation of the theoretical daily survival rate in some malaria vectors in a lowland region of Ethiopia" Parassitologica Vol. 12 Iss. 1 (1970) p. 47 - 61
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