Preterm labor is the second leading cause of neonatal mortality and leads to a myriad of complications like delayed development and cerebral palsy. Currently, there is no way to accurately predict preterm labor, making its prevention and treatment virtually impossible. While there are some at-risk patients, over half of all preterm births do not fall into any high-risk category. This study seeks to predict and prevent preterm labor by using Raman spectroscopy to detect changes in the cervix during pregnancy. Since Raman spectroscopy has been used to detect cancers in vivo in organs like the cervix and skin, it follows that spectra will change over the course of pregnancy. Previous studies have shown that fluorescence decreased during pregnancy and increased during postpartum exams to pre-pregnancy levels. We believe significant changes will occur in the Raman spectra obtained during the course of pregnancy. In this study, Raman spectra from the cervix of pregnant mice will be acquired. Specific changes that occur due to cervical softening or changes in hormonal levels will be observed to understand the changes that occur before and after labor in the cervix.
Detecting Changes during Pregnancy with Raman Spectroscopy
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Conference
Document Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Citation Information
Vargis E, Webb CN, Paria BC, Bennett KA, Reese J, Al-Hendy A, A Mahadevan-Jansen+. Detecting Changes during Pregnancy with Raman Spectroscopy. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Conference (BSEC), pp.1-4, 15-17 March 2011 – Peer-reviewed