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A Nonrandomized Observational Trial of Short- Term Preoperative Endocrine Therapy in ER- Positive Breast Cancer to Investigate Change in Genomic Expression Using the 21-Gene Breast Cancer Assay
The Journal of Clinical Oncology
  • Aaron D Bleznak, MD, FACS, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Elizabeth A. Dellers, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Bernadette Glenn-Porter, BS, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Sharon R Kimmel, PhD, MHA, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Heiwon Chung, MD, FACS, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Carl N Yoshizawa
  • Emily Burke
  • D S Davison
  • Calvin Chao
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Citation Information

Bleznak, A.D., Dellers, E.A., Glenn-Porter, B., Kimmel, S., Chung, H., Yoshizawa, C., Burke, E., Davison, D.S., Chao, C., (2011). A Nonrandomized Observational Trial of Short- Term Preoperative Endocrine Therapy in ER- Positive Breast Cancer to Investigate Change in Genomic Expression Using the 21-Gene Breast Cancer Assay. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 29(27 suppl).