Initial Teacher Licensure Programs at Minnesota State Univeristy, Mankato
Early Education in Russia and the USA: 2008 Conference Proceedings
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Teacher preparation is a strong tradition of Minnesota State University, Mankato (MSU, Mankato), located approximately 85 miles southwest of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. The institution of higher education has been preparing teachers since 1868. Currently, initial teacher licensure programs in Elementary and Early Childhood (EEC) prepare graduates to be licensed as early childhood teachers, as elementary school teachers, and/or as middle school teachers. This article describes MSU, Mankato's programs in terms of its students, faculty members, academic programs, unique opportunities for students, and emphasis on preparing professionals to be leaders in education.
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Citation Information
Sandell, E.J. (2009). Initial teacher licensure programs at Minnesota State University, Mankato. In O. V. Klypa and E. J. Sandell (Eds.), Early Education in Russia and the USA: 2008 Conference Proceedings (pp. 233-236). Magadan, Russia: North-Eastern State University.