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Contribution to Book
Parents in the School
Home-School Relations: Working Successfully with Parents and Families
  • Elizabeth J. Sandell, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

Everyone seems to agree that parent involvement is a wonderful idea. In fact, researchers tell us that the single fastest way to improve a student's academic performance is to involve the parents. Given this widespread agreement, it is perplexing that we don't have more actual parent involvement in our schools. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to: the rationale for parent involvement, a parent-involvement model, ways in which you can involve parents, ways of evaluating a parent-involvement program, and issues and concerns in parent involvement.

Citation Information
Sandell, E. J. 1997. "Parents in the School." In M.L. Fuller and G. W. Olsen (Eds.). Home-School Relations: Working Successfully with Parents and Families, pages 127-150. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.