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Review of Parent Education Resources for Adults with Low English Proficiency
Elementary and Literacy Education Department Publications
  • Elizabeth J. Sandell, Minnesota State University, Mankato
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This paper reviews seven parent education resources for adults with low English proficiency, focusing on materials that are flexible and adaptable to parent education programs. Each review lists the name and publisher of the resource, date of publication, cost, intended audience, content, goals, format, and reviewer comments. The resources include: (1) "Nurturing Program for Parents and Young Children" (Family Development Resources), a remedial parenting skills program; (2) "Small Wonder" (American Guidance Service), which uses activity cards to explain child development; (3) "Child Care Picture Books" (Minnesota Early Learning Design), a series of six parenting skills picture books available in English and Spanish; (4) "Preparing for School in America" (St. Paul Public Schools, Minnesota, a series of lesson plans for use by teachers with Hmong families; (5) "Learning Together...for Hmong and Hispanic Families" (United Way of St. Paul, Minnesota), a series of resources and activities for parent education programs; (6) "Basic Parenting" (Family Information Services), a workshop-by-mail program for educators and parents; and (7) "Motheread/Fatheread/Baby Ready/Baby Steps" (Motheread), a family literacy program. (MDM)

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Citation Information
Sandell, E. J. 1995. Review of Parent Education Resources for Adults with Low-English Proficiency. St. Paul, MN: Early Childhood Family Education, St Paul Public Schools (ERIC ED 382 317).