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About Elizabeth Mullen

Elizabeth Mullen researches the roles that people’s emotions, values, and moral convictions play in shaping their perceptions of fairness and reactions to transgressions. In addition, she investigates how individuals regulate and evaluate their own and others’ ethical behavior. Her work has appeared in numerous scholarly journals and has been funded by the National Science Foundation. She serves on the editorial boards at the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Social Psychological and Personality Science, Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, and Social Justice Research. Prior to joining SJSU, she held faculty positions at George Washington University and the Stanford Graduate School of Business.  


2015 - Present Assistant Professor of Management, San Jose State University

Curriculum Vitae



2005 - 2007 Ideological Differences in Public Compassion: Effects of Perspective Taking, Emotion, and Attributions on Willingness to Help
National Science Foundation - SBR-0518084
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Colleague(s): Linda Skitka
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2011 - Present Editorial Board Member, Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy
2014 - 2015 Search Committee Member, Lindner Gambal Ethics Professorship
2013 - 2015 Co-Organizer, Department of Management Seminar Series, GWSB
2013 - 2015 Hiring Committee, Department of Management, GWSB
2013 - 2015 Research Committee, GWSB
2013 - 2015 Conflict of Interest Committee Member, GWU
2011 - 2012 Micro OB PhD Liaison, Stanford GSB
2010 Faculty Committee for the New Building, Stanford GSB
2006 - 2010 PhD Admissions Committee, Organizational Behavior, Stanford GSB
2009 Co-organizer, Research on Managing Groups and Teams conference
2006 - 2009 Co-organizer, Organizational Behavior Seminar Series, Stanford GSB
2005 - 2009 Co-Organizer, Justice Pre-conference to the SPSP annual meeting
2006 - 2008 Panel Member, SPSSI Grant in Aid Review
2006 - 2008 Member, Task Force on Feminism and Political Psychology
2006 DRRC, Post Doctoral Fellow Search Committee, Kellogg School of Management
2005 Volunteer, Kellogg Cares
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Honors and Awards

  • Nominated for the PhD Distinguished Faculty Teaching and Service Award, Stanford GSB, 2011
  • Louise and Claude Rosenberg Faculty Scholar for 2011-2012
  • Ascendant Scholar, Western Academy of Management, 2011
  • James and Doris McNamara Faculty Scholar for 2008-2009
  • Best Paper - New Directions Award by the Conflict Management Division, Academy of Management, 2007
  • Dispute Resolution Research Center Grant for Research, Northwestern University, 2005
  • Society for Personality and Social Psychology Student Travel Award, 2002
  • University Fellowship, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2001-2003
  • First Place – Sigma Xi Graduate Research Competition, 2000
  • Departmental Research Funding, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1999
  • Addington Award for Outstanding Achievement in Psychology, University of Memphis, 1998
  • Psi Beta Chi Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement, University of Memphis, 1998
  • University Grants Academy Participant, SJSU, 2015-2016
  • RSCA recipient, SJSU, Spring 2017


  • Organizational Justice and Behavioral Ethics
  • Organizations and Leadership
  • Organizations and Human Capital
  • Conflict Management and Negotiations


2004 PhD, Social Psychology, The University of Illinois at Chicago
2000 MA, Social Psychology, The University of Illinois at Chicago
1998 BA, Psychology, University of Memphis

Contact Information

Book Chapters (5)

Books- Edited Volumes (1)

Presentations (7)