Natural Wonder
Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
Every parent can describe a memory that stands out in their mind when their child demonstrated true and uninhibited curiosity. Some of my greatest memories of my kids’ curiosities have come at the most unexpected times. We can all recall our children asking multiple questions throughout the day. Their innate curiosity propelled them to better understand concepts and fill in the gaps of knowledge. As a parent, I hope I helped to develop habits of curiosity and wonder in my children. The skill of questioning can help us identify and solve problems (Legare, Mills, Souza, Plummer, & Yasskin, 2013). What happens to us as adults and why is our questioning not as frequent? Why are we reluctant to ask questions?
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Citation Information
Elizabeth Cotter. "Natural Wonder" Journal for Nurses in Professional Development Vol. 34 Iss. 3 (2018) p. 166 - 167 Available at: