We were pleased to be invited to be guest editors of the first issue ofAnimal Frontiers that is focused on meat production and processing across the globe. There are many important issues in food production and in meat production that relate to efficiency, quality, nutrition, preservation, and food safety. We specifically chose to focus on the connection of meat production in diverse cultures and the advances that will help us continue to improve meat quality and consumer acceptance. We think that the exciting combination of science, technology, and art with an eye toward our cultural heritage is what can help us improve the nutritional contribution to the human diet as well as the quality and value of the meat we produce. When we were invited to work with this issue, we immediately wanted to assemble papers that illustrate the over-arching understanding that technology, science, art, heritage, and tradition are mutually beneficial. In fact, these are all part of the “recipe” that makes our food so much more than just nutrients on our plate.
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/elisabeth_huff-lonergan/30/
This article is from Animal Frontiers 2 (2012): 4–5, doi:10.2527/af.2012-0055. Posted with permission.