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Design of the Mneme Persistent Object Store
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (1990)
  • Eliot B. Moss

The Mneme project is an investigation of techniques for integrating programming language and database features to provide better support for cooperative, information-intensive tasks such as computer-aided software engineering. The project strategy is to implement efficient, distributed, persistent programming languages. We report here on the Mneme persistent object store, a fundamental component of the project, discussing its design and initial prototype. Mneme stores objects in a simple and general format, preserving object identity and object interrelationships. Specific goals for the store include portability, extensibility (especially with respect to object management policies), and performance. The model of memory that the store aims at is a single, cooperatively-shared heap, distributed across a collection of networked computers. The initial prototype is intended mainly to explore performance issues and to support object-oriented persistent programming languages. We include performance measurements from the prototype as well as more qualitative results.

Publication Date
April, 1990
Citation Information
Eliot B. Moss. "Design of the Mneme Persistent Object Store" ACM Transactions on Information Systems Vol. 8 Iss. 2 (1990)
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