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The Constitutionality of State Law Triggering Burdens on Political Speech and the Current Circuit Splits
Regent University Law Review (2016)
  • Randy Elf
Copyright © 2016 by Randy Elf. All Rights Reserved.
  • campaign finance,
  • pac,
  • disclosure,
  • major purpose,
  • major-purpose test,
  • major purpose test,
  • small scale speech,
  • express advocacy,
  • Federal Election Commission,
  • appeal to vote,
  • appeal to vote test,
  • McCutcheon,
  • Arizona Free Enterprise Club,
  • Davis,
  • McConnell,
  • Massachusetts Citizens for Life,
  • Randy Elf
Publication Date
December 24, 2016
Publisher Statement
Copyright © 2016 by Randy Elf. All Rights Reserved.
Citation Information
29 Regent U. L. Rev. 35 (2016)