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Social Cartography as a Tool for Conflict Analysis and Resolution: The Experience of the Afro-Colombian Communities of Robles
Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Elena P. Bastidas, Nova Southeastern University
  • Carlos A. Gonzales, The Foundation for the Conservation and Protection of Natural Resources of South of Valle del Cauca Department

The field of conflict resolution is in constant evolution. Every day, theories are defined and redefined, and new contributions are made to the field. This continuous process challenges scholars, researchers, and practitioners to develop new conceptual and methodological frameworks for the analysis of conflict. This article highlights the potential of social cartography (participatory mapping) as a tool for the transformation of environmental and social conflicts at the household, community, national, and international levels. The advantages of social cartography as an appraisal, planning, and analytical tool for conflict transformation are illustrated here with a case study of the Afro-Colombian community of Robles.

Author Bio(s)

Elena Bastidas is an Assistant Professor of conflict resolution and environmental studies in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at NSU. She earned her Ph.D. and M.S. in food and resource economics with a specialization in agricultural development and gender analysis from the University of Florida. A native of Ecuador, she was a co-principal investigator of a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation grant for training and capacity building in the protected areas of Ecuador and Colombia. She has been involved in conflict analysis and resolution via the conservation of biodiversity and development. Email:

Carlos Gonzalez is one of the founders of The Foundation for the Conservation and Protection of Natural Resources of South of Valle del Cauca Department (FUNECOROBLES). He is a recognized leader of the community of Robles and his accomplishments include the coordination of projects in the areas of education, community construction of knowledge, management of wetlands and organic farming. He also coordinates planning process of natural resources with the communities of Timba, Robles, Chagres, Quinamayo Y Villapaz, south of Valley del Couca and north of Cauca department.

  • Afro-Colombian community of Robles,
  • conflict analysis and resolution,
  • conflict transformation,
  • disputes,
  • social cartography
Publication Date
Citation Information
Elena P. Bastidas and Carlos A. Gonzales. "Social Cartography as a Tool for Conflict Analysis and Resolution: The Experience of the Afro-Colombian Communities of Robles" (2009) p. 1 - 14
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