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My/Mi Lengua Franca: Language Manipulation and Cultural Heritage in Chicana Art and Literature
  • Elena Aviles, Portland State University
Chicana feminist literary and artistic cultural production since the second half of the
twentieth century is characterized with a critical sensibility commissioning the arts to
actively interrogate how cultural mores misconstrue female identity. By questioning the "miss"-representation of cultural myths and images, Chicanas expose the patriarchal
language and hegemonic discourse that code and sign cultural icons. Chicana feminist
interrogations of traditional representations of La Malinche illustrate how signs are a
construction, and thus, indefinite and plastic, like language. By combining various
methodologies such as semiotics, visual analysis, cultural and feminist studies, this study
underscores the significance of the development of feminist critical, poetic and visual
language to Chicana revisionist representations of the figure of La Malinche.

The theme of language use in Chicana reinterpretations of La Malinche offers an
innovative conceptualization to the advancement of Chicana language practices as a strategy
to critically examine the gendered and cultural aesthetics of identity. This dissertation
examines how Chicanas manipulate heritage through a "thick description" of the interpretation of culture in the signification of "language" (La Malinche) and in their own language use in order to alter interpretations of Chicana identity. The analysis of Chicana feminist representations of La Malinche is a study of how women traverse the borderlands of literary and artistic practices to gain visibility and voice.

I evaluate the interrelationships between Chicana critics, artists and writers, drawing
from art historians and literary critics to show how literature and art empowered women to
work toward a metalinguistic awareness of self. The relationships and intersections between
the textual and visual representation on La Malinche demonstrate an often-unrecognized
dialectical relationship among writers and artists and literary critics and art historians.
Ongoing representations of La Malinche reflect the continuance of innovative, original and
imaginative forms of speaking about Chicana identity that reveals the dialogic and heteroglot
nature of Chicana voices, as Chicana placas, a concept I call the development of a Chicana
lengua franca.
  • Mexican American women -- Art,
  • Mexican American women -- Literature,
  • Marina (approximately 1505-approximately 1530),
  • Representation,
  • Language
Publication Date
July, 2014
Doctor of Philosophy
Field of study
Spanish and Portuguese
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Tey Diana Rebolledo, Enrique Lamadrid, Holly Barnet-Sanchez, Alicia Gaspar de Alba
Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctorate of Philosophy in
Spanish and Portuguese, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

© 2014 Elena Avilés
Citation Information
Avilés, Elena. "My/Mi lengua franca: "Language," Manipulation, and Cultural Heritage in Chicana Art and Literature." (2014).