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About Elaine Vanterpool

Dr. Elaine Vanterpool graduated from Oakwood (College) University (OU) in 2001 with her B.S. in Biology. She received her Ph. D in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from Loma Linda University with expertise in Microbial Pathogenesis. After completing a one-year postdoctoral fellowship, she accepted an Assistant Professor position at OU in 2006. She was promoted to Associate Professor in 2011 and to Professor of Biological Sciences in 2017. Dr. Vanterpool accepted the position of Chair of Biological Sciences in 2019. While at OU, she has been a recipient of seven federal and non-federal grants where she served at Principal Investigator or Co-PI. She has research training and expertise in cancer biology, nanotechnology, and microbial pathogenesis. During her time at OU, she has mentored over seventy-five undergraduate students in research and more than 15 middle and high school students. Many of her students (mentees) have matriculated into professional and/or graduate programs.  She serves on many committees and sponsors several clubs on OU campus. She has helped to develop the Proteomics Core and Tissue Culture facilities and is currently completing the Molecular Gene Expression Research facility in the Department of Biological Sciences. Dr. Vanterpool has a passion for educating and engaging minority K-12 students in science. As service-learning coordinator for her department, she and her microbiology students have helped assist and improve STEM education in the preK-12 community.


Present Chair and Professor, Oakwood University

Curriculum Vitae

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