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About Ekaterina Kochmar

Dr. Ekaterina Kochmar is an Assistant Professor in the Natural Language Processing Department at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI).


Prior to joining MBZUAI, Dr. Kochmar worked as a Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Bath (2021–2023) where she was part of the AI research group. Prior to that, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the ALTA (Automated Language Teaching and Assessment) Institute at University of Cambridge focusing on the development of educational applications for second language learners.

She conducts research at the intersection of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and intelligent tutoring systems. Her research contributed to the building of Read & Improve, a readability tool for non-native readers of English, and to the building of Korbi, a dialogue-based intelligent tutoring system capable of providing learners with high-quality, interactive and personalized education in STEM subjects.

Dr. Kochmar is a co-founder and the chief scientific officer of Korbit AI, focusing on building an AI-powered dialogue-based tutoring system capable of providing learners with high-quality, interactive, and personalized education in STEM subjects.

She is the President of the ACL Special Interest Group on Educational Applications (SIGEDU), and of the International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE). She is an area chair in NLP Applications for ACL 2023 and an action editor for the ACL Rolling Review; prior to that she served as an area chair for EMNLP 2022 and ACL 2023, and was part of the programme committees of the top-ranked international conferences in the field, including ACL,NAACL,EMNLP, AAAI, COLING, BEA, LREC, *SEM, as well as multiple ACL workshops.


Present Assistant Professor, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence Department of Natural Language Processing

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2022 - Present Grants reviewer for NWO,, Dutch Research Council,
2022 - Present New Horizons grant selection panel member,, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
2022 - Present President, International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE)
2021 - Present Action Editor, ACL Rolling Review,
2021 - Present President, ACL Special Interest Group on Educational Applications (SIGEDU)
2021 - Present College of Peer Reviewers’ member, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
2015 - Present Co-organiser and committee member, Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA)
2023 Area Chair, ACL
2023 Student Volunteer Chair, EMNLP
2017 - 2021 Secretary, ACL Special Interest Group on Educational Applications (SIGEDU)
2019 Area chair, (NLP Applications) for ACL
2019 Area Chair, EMNLP
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Honors and Awards

  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship, 2008 - 2010
  • Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholarship, 2010 - 2014
  • St John’s College Scholarship, 2011 - 2014