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Models of Inclusion: Standing at the Cross Roads. Building Inclusive Child Care Through Child Care Development Funds
Building on Family Strengths
  • Eileen M. Brennan, Portland State University
  • Shane Ama, Portland State University
  • Elizabeth Haran Caplan, Portland State University
  • Olivia Warfield, Portland State University
  • Sherry Archer
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Work and family,
  • Mentally ill children -- Services for,
  • Child care -- Government policy

The passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990 has produced a growing recognition that children with disabilities have the same rights as other children to participate in community-based child care settings (Whitney, Grozinsky, & Poppe, 1999). But even a legal mandate is not sufficient to guarantee access to realistic and suitable child care options for every family, particularly those having children with emotional or behavioral disorders (National Child Care Information Center [NCCIC], 1997). The presentation addressed governmental policy and planning efforts to include children with emotional or behavioral challenges in settings with typically developing children. Particularly, presenters discussed the policy and planning context that resulted in current Child Care Development Fund plans, reported preliminary results of a content analysis of the plans, discussed a family member’s perspective on child care arrangements, and outlined some strategies for and barriers to inclusion gathered from directors of model programs.


Article first appeared in Building on family strengths: Research and services in support of children and their families. 2001 conference proceedings, edited by Jay M.G. King, Jonathan Cook, Michael D. Pullmann, and Jennifer Simpson.

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Citation Information
Brennan, E. M., Ama, S., Caplan E., Warfield, O., & Archer, S. (2002). Models of inclusion—standing at the crossroads: Building capacities for inclusive child care through the planning and implementation of the Child Care Development Fund. In J.M.G. King, M.D. Pullmann, & J. Simpson (Eds.). Building on family strengths: Research and services in support of children and their families. 2001 conference proceedings. Portland, OR: Portland State University, Research & Training Center on Family Support and Children’s Mental Health, 51-54