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Short-Range Correlations and Cooling of Ultracold Fermions in the Honeycomb Lattice
Physical Review Letters (2012)
  • Baoming Tang, Georgetown University
  • Thereza Paiva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Ehsan Khatami, Georgetown University
  • Marcos Rigol, The Pennsylvania State University
We use determinantal quantum Monte Carlo simulations and numerical linked-cluster expansions to study thermodynamic properties and short-range spin correlations of fermions in the honeycomb lattice. We find that, at half filling and finite temperatures, nearest-neighbor spin correlations can be stronger in this lattice than in the square lattice, even in regimes where the ground state in the former is a semimetal or a spin liquid. The honeycomb lattice also exhibits a more pronounced anomalous region in the double occupancy that leads to stronger adiabatic cooling than in the square lattice. We discuss the implications of these findings for optical lattice experiments.
  • Short-range,
  • Correlations,
  • Cooling,
  • Ultracold,
  • Fermions
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
This article originally appeared in Physical Review Letters, volume 109, issue 20, 2012, published by the American Physical Society. ©2012 American Physical Society. The article can also be found online at this link.

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Citation Information
Baoming Tang, Thereza Paiva, Ehsan Khatami and Marcos Rigol. "Short-Range Correlations and Cooling of Ultracold Fermions in the Honeycomb Lattice" Physical Review Letters Vol. 109 Iss. 20 (2012) ISSN: 0031-9007
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