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Thermodynamics of strongly interacting fermions in two-dimensional optical lattices
Physical Review A (2011)
  • Ehsan Khatami, Georgetown University
  • Marcos Rigol, Georgetown University
We study finite-temperature properties of strongly correlated fermions in two-dimensional optical lattices by means of numerical linked cluster expansions, a computational technique that allows one to obtain exact results in the thermodynamic limit. We focus our analysis on the strongly interacting regime, where the on-site repulsion is of the order of or greater than the band width. We compute the equation of state, double occupancy, entropy, uniform susceptibility, and spin correlations for temperatures that are similar to or below the ones achieved in current optical lattice experiments. We provide a quantitative analysis of adiabatic cooling of trapped fermions in two dimensions, by means of both flattening the trapping potential and increasing the interaction strength.
  • Thermodynamics,
  • Temperature,
  • Correlations,
  • Strength,
  • Fermions,
  • Quantitative
Publication Date
November, 2011
Publisher Statement
This article originally appeared in Physical Review A, volume 84, issue 5, 2011, published by the American Physical Society. ©2011 American Physical Society. The article can also be found online at this link.

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Citation Information
Ehsan Khatami and Marcos Rigol. "Thermodynamics of strongly interacting fermions in two-dimensional optical lattices" Physical Review A Vol. 84 Iss. 5 (2011) ISSN: 2469-9926
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