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About Edwina Rissland

Professor Edwina L. Rissland received her Sc.B. in Applied Mathematics with Honors magna cum laude from Brown University, M.A. in Mathematics from Brandeis University, and Ph.D. in Mathematics from MIT. She currently holds the rank of Professor. She is recognized as a founder and world leader in the areas of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) and AI & Law, and was elected as a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) in 1991.

For the 1982-83 academic year, she was a Fellow of Law and Computer Science at the Harvard Law School. From 1985 through 1996, she held an appointment as Lecturer on Law at the Harvard Law School, where she taught a seminar on Artificial Intelligence and Legal Reasoning.

Her current research interests include case-based reasoning (CBR), AI and legal reasoning, CBR and information retrieval, mixed paradigm reasoning, and cyberlaw.

Since September 2003, Professor Rissland has been serving as NSF Program Director for the Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS) Program in the Division of Information and Intelligence Systems (IIS) within the CISE Directorate of the National Science Foundation. Currently she is serving as leader for the Robust Intelligence cluster.

Professor Rissland has served as President of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law, and on the Board of Councilors of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), as well as on numerous program committees, including the national conferences of the AAAI, the international conferences on case-based reasoning (ICCBR), and the biennial international conferences on AI & Law (ICAIL). She has served as guest editor/co-editor for several special journal issues, including the special issue of the journal Artificial Intelligence and Law (Fall 2002) in memory of the contributions of Don Berman and the recent double issue of Artificial Intelligence on AI and Law (Vol 150, Nos 1-2, Nov. 2003). She has authored over 100 articles, books, and technical reports. She is a co-author of the text Cognitive Science: An Integrated Approach published by MIT Press/Bradford Books. She was Co-Editor of the MIT Press series on AI and Law, and is a founding member of the editorial board of the journal Artificial Intelligence and Law.


Present Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst


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Contact Information

Computer Science Building, Room 222
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst MA, 01003

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