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Observations of Io and the Plasma Torus During 2007 and 2008
40th American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting (2008)
  • Ronald James Oliversen, Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA)
  • C. Walker, Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA)
  • J. K. Donaldson, Boston University
  • J. P. Morgenthaler, Planetary Sciences Institute
  • E. Mierkiewicz, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • F. L. Roesler, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • E. Larson, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • W. M. Harris, University of California - Davis
  • S. S. Husseini, University of California - Davis
  • O. L. Lupie, Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA)
  • G. M. Hilton, Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA)
  • J. Carpena-Nunez, University of Puerto Rico
  • O. R. Dawson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
A synoptic campaign of Io and Io plasma torus observations were conducted near the Jupiter 2007 and 2008 oppositions. The 2007 campaign was contemporaneous with the HST Jupiter auroral campaign (PI: J. Clarke/Boston University). The observations were obtained from the NSO McMath-Pierce facility at Kitt Peak. The Io data are high-resolution (R 120000) spectra of the neutral oxygen 6300 Å emission taken on the main telescope with the stellar spectrograph. The stellar spectrograph, equipped with an image slicer, had a 5.2” x 5.2” field of view. Spectra with good signal-to-noise were obtained for a significant range of Io orbital and System III longitudes. The Io plasma torus data are ionized sulfur 6731 Å images taken on the west auxiliary through a 9 Å wide filter. Continuum images taken through an off-band filter improved the removal of the scattered light from Jupiter from the torus images. An update on the status of these observations and efforts to reprocess the entire Io NSO [O I] 6300 Å data will be presented.
  • Io,
  • Jupiter,
  • stellar spectrograph
Publication Date
Ithaca, NY
Poster # 44.05. Also published in the Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 40, page 478.
Citation Information
Ronald James Oliversen, C. Walker, J. K. Donaldson, J. P. Morgenthaler, et al.. "Observations of Io and the Plasma Torus During 2007 and 2008" 40th American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting (2008)
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