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Research in forensic radiology and imaging; Identifying the most important issues
Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging
  • M C Aalders
  • N L Adolphi
  • B Daly
  • G G Davis
  • H H de Boer
  • S J Decker
  • J J Dempers
  • J Ford
  • C Y Gerrard
  • G M Hatch
  • P AM Hofman
  • M Iino
  • C Jacobsen
  • W M Klein
  • B Kubat
  • P M Leth
  • Edward L Mazuchowski, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • K B Nolte
  • C O'Donnell
  • M J Thali
  • R R van Rijn
  • K Wozniak
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Aalder, M.C., Adolphi, N.L., Daly, B., Davis, G.G., de Boer, H.H., Decker, S.J., Dempers, J.J., Ford, J., Gerrard, C.Y., Hatch, G.M., Hofman, P.A.M., Iino, M., Jacobsen, C., Klein, W.M., Kubat, B., Leth, P.M., Mazuchowski, E.L., Nolte, K.B., O'Donnell, C., Thali, M.J., van Rijn, R.R., & Wozniak, K. (2017). Research in forensic radiology and imaging; Identifying the most important issues. Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging, 8, p. 1-8.