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Subsets More Likely to Benefit From Surgery or Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation After Chemoradiation for Localized Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
American Journal of Clinical Oncology
  • Bruce Keith, London Regional Cancer Center, London, ON
  • Mark Vincent, University of Western Ontario
  • Larry Stitt, University of Western Ontario
  • Anna Tomiak, Kingston Regional Cancer Centre, Kingston, ON
  • Richard Malthaner, University of Western Ontario
  • Edward Yu, University of Western Ontario
  • Pauline Truong, B.C. Cancer Agency, Victoria, BC
  • Richard Inculet, University of Western Ontario
  • Michael Lefcoe, University of Western Ontario
  • A. Rashid Dar, University of Western Ontario
  • Walter Kocha, London Regional Cancer Centre, London, ON
  • Ian Craig, University of Western Ontario
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After chemoradiation for localized non-small-cell lung cancer, surgery and prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) have been used as additional therapies. Less than a third of patients develop brain recurrences, or have local recurrence as their sole initial site of recurrence; these are groups that would benefit from PCI or surgery, respectively. Pretreatment identification of patients more likely to benefit from surgery or PCI would be useful. A retrospective analysis of 80 patients was performed to determine prognostic factors for such patterns of failure. Twenty-nine patients were subsequently selected for surgery in a nonrandomized manner. Seventeen patients had isolated local initial recurrence and 15 had brain recurrences. In multivariable analysis, female gender and elevated LDH were found to be risk factors for brain recurrence. In the subset with stage III disease (n = 76), squamous cell histology was a risk factor for isolated initial local recurrence in both univariable and multivariable analysis. It is possible to identify subsets that may show increased benefit from PCI or surgery.

Citation Information
Bruce Keith, Mark Vincent, Larry Stitt, Anna Tomiak, et al.. "Subsets More Likely to Benefit From Surgery or Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation After Chemoradiation for Localized Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer" American Journal of Clinical Oncology Vol. 25 Iss. 6 (2002) p. 583 - 587
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