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Contribution to Book
Free Expression in Hollywood: First Amendment and Censorship
More Than a Movie: Ethics in Entertainment
  • Ted Pease, Utah State University
  • F. Miguel Valenti
  • Les Brown
  • Laurie Trotta
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Los Angeles: Mediascope/Westview Press
Publication Date

Valenti, a Los Angeles-based producer, manager, and entertainment attorney, presents real ethical issues confronted daily when producing works of film. He engages social responsibility in filmmakers, encouraging them to become aware of the possible consequences of the images and attitudes they choose. Written as a tool for discussion and debate in professional as well as academic arenas.


This book is available to check out through the Merrill-Cazier Library, Catalog link:

Citation Information
Ted Pease. “Free Expression in Hollywood: First Amendment and Censorship,” in F. Miguel Valenti, Les Brown, and Laurie Trotta, Eds., More Than a Movie: Ethics in Entertainment. (Los Angeles: Mediascope/Westview Press, 2000). pp. 45-59.