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Contribution to Book
Why Should We Care? The Philosophical and Economic Arguments forMedia Diversity
Pluralizing Journalism Education: AMulticultural Handbook
  • Ted Pease, Utah State University
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Greenwood Press
Publication Date

Basically, there are only two reasons why the news media in this country -- and those who read newspapers and watch TV -- should worry about demographic change and the media's employment and coverage of "minorities" -- nonwhite Americans -- in America. The two reasons? Well, as one of my colleagues likes to tell his students about beginning newswriting, "It ain't rocket science." Neither are those two basic reasons behind the imperative facing the news media to employ and cover what is fast becoming the most culturally and racially diverse nation on Earth.


Originally Published by Greenwood Press, Made Available at:

Citation Information
Edward C. Pease. “Why Should We Care? The Philosophical and Economic Arguments for Media Diversity.” In Carolyn Martindale, Ed., Pluralizing Journalism Education: A Multicultural Handbook. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1993). pp. 7-16.